William E Bryant Graduate Awards
The Department of Philosophy grants competitive awards of up to $800 per student per academic year.
Awarded funds may be used for, but not limited to, travel to conferences and to conduct research during the academic year or the summer break. Other requests for assistance will be considered, such as child care to attend seminars or other forms of assistance that will aid the progress of the degree.
Eligibility: Graduate students in good standing. Students presenting at conferences will receive priority consideration over those attending only.
*First Friday of September
*Last Friday of October
*Second Friday of Spring semester
*First Friday after Spring Break
AY2024-25 deadlines: September 6, 2024, October 25, 2024, January 24, 2025, March 28, 2025
=>> Applications submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed until the next review cycle <<=
Required Application Materials:
- Justification or funding purpose (PDF): describe the type of event you are attending and explain how it is relevant to your studies. If applicable, add the link for the event website, location, and dates of the event.
- For conference travel: acceptance e-mail or letter sent by the conference organization. (PDF)
- Advisor's statement of support (DGS approval will be accepted in the case the student does not have an advisor.) It can be a simple note acknowledging that they reviewed your proposal and support this travel opportunity. (PDF)
- Budget spreadsheet (<<== Must use this downloadable spreadsheet)
Include ALL funding sought or secured from other sources.
If requesting Per Diem, go to the GSA domestic or GSA foreign websites for reference. Use the difference between Houston's per diem rate & destination's per diem rate. No per diem can be claimed if the destination's per diem rate is lower than Houston's rate.
Details for each expense item are required (e.g: name of hotel and number of nights, airline, class of flight, and if any other airline fees are included, etc.)
To Apply: Please read the 'GUIDELINES' section of this page, complete this Application Form, and upload the materials listed above.
** Receipts for airfare and accommodation will be requested **
Review of Proposals:
Applications will be reviewed by the department. You will receive a 'final' copy of your application via Adobe Sign, which only means your application was accepted.
A decision notification will be sent by email within 10 business days after the deadline.
Award Disbursement:
Students awarded funding will receive their award via direct deposit. Please ensure your direct deposit information is current in Esther, and your address is updated in iO.
Please note that awards above $600 in a calendar year are considered taxable income for US citizens. Rice does not withhold taxes from the award payment for US citizens. Important note for International students: taxes will be withheld from the award payment.
Keep in mind that travel funds are to be used for official Rice University business only, in accordance with Rice University travel policy 806 (https://policy.rice.edu/806).
GUIDELINES for submitting an application and calculating a travel budget:
1) Students are expected to apply for outside funding whenever possible to defray costs to the department.
2) The travel budget should be comprehensive. Submit a budget for the ENTIRE trip, regardless of anticipated outside funding, and indicate the amount you are requesting from the Department of Philosophy. Use this Budget Spreadsheet.
3) The least expensive form of travel should be used.
4) Outside funding support received after submitting the travel request must be reported to the department.
5) If the trip is canceled after the award is granted, the student must notify the department ASAP, and the award amount returned.
6) Keep the receipts for the items you budgeted, as they may be requested. Receipts for airfare and accommodation will be requested.
Students who travel internationally on Rice funds are required to register their trip with International SOS and the U.S. State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP).