Transfer Credit
Approval of transfer credit is always done on a case by case basis, but we can provide some guidelines that may help speed up the procedure. In all cases, we need to know where the course is being/was given, how many hours it meets, what the reading list for the course is, what the requirements are (papers, tests, projects, etc.) and the credentials of the instructor.
For regular lower level courses at accredited four year US colleges and universities, approval is fairly routine. For lower level courses at community colleges and foreign institutions, further scrutiny is required. For upper division courses, we need to verify that the requirements are comparable to an upper-level Rice philosophy course, e.g., that significant papers are required for courses other than logic. We do not approve transfer credit for on-line courses.
Procedure for Transfer Credit equivalent to Rice Philosophy courses:
1. Obtain the course syllabi for the classes you would like to convert from TRAN to Rice equivalents. Course equivalence depends primarily on the readings and writing requirements, so be sure that this information is included on the syllabus.
2. Look at the Rice Course Catalog and match up the transfer classes to Rice classes.
3. Send the syllabus and your proposed course match, by email, to the transfer credit advisor for the Philosophy Department (Charles Siewert at He will examine the course syllabus, determine if there is an equivalence, and reply to your email with the result.
4. If there is an equivalent Rice course, fill out the Undergraduate Request for Transfer Credit for the specified courses. Then bring the form to Humanities 223 - the clip outside the office door is the drop-off box for transfer credit forms. The transfer credit advisor will sign it, and you can pick up the form at your convenience in the same place. (Copies are made of all signed forms.)
5. Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar.
If you have any questions about this process, please email Charles Siewert at, or come to office hours at Humanities 223 (Wed 3-4pm, or by appointment).